So I haven't posted anything in a while. The reason for this unfortunate thing is that I'm probably one of the worst bloggers in town. I rarely have anything interesting to write about or then everything exiting I do involve all the people that write and read the blog with me.
Well anyhow, I've decided that I am going to try harder at this blogging thing, ie. I will try to write at least one post each week! :O I'm not sure how I'm going to manage but I'm still going to try my best. Even though the title says that blogging sucks it isn't actually so, it's just that I suck at blogging.... Well, boo freakidy whoo.. poor me.
Pretty much stuff has happened in the last month or so, so I'm going to quickly tell you a bit about the most important things that occured in August and the beginning of September. Not too much though, because I want that the others will also have something to write about.
In the beginning of August we had a crawfish party, or as I like to put it Crab party :D
Finnish crawfish parties include booze, lame songs and eating crawfish. Personally, I pretty much hate everything that comes from the sea, so I wasn't that thrilled. Instead of eating crabs and shit like that I made a veggie pie that I ate. But the most important thing in parties such as this is the drinking. Lots and lots of alcohol...
Last year when we had the party I was so hungover that I couldn't be indoors when the others ate, so I sat the most of the evening at the balcony. So this time I was actually able to sit with the others while they ate their smelly little sea creatures, which was a nice surprise. Also compared to last years one beer I managed to drink a bit more ;)
August 14th is my birthday. This year it was a Saturday, so we could celebrate it then. A group of my friend and I went to a mexican restaurant to celebrate me aka. Queen of fucking EVERYTHING! :D
I'm really starting to get old because I didn't want to go to a bar afterwards. I find clubs and bars nowadays quite depressing. People in our age seem to be so fake and I'm tired of trying to compete with all those fake people who spend most of their day in front of a mirror and judge everyone by their looks. So instead we went to a friend's place after the restaurant. It was a great night and I didn't have to share it with anyone else than those I really care about, so THANKS guys! Seriously, I wouldn't do shit without you.
I know that Fia has pictures from my birthday and from the crabparty (haha, I'm so fucking funny), so if you'd like to upload some pictures, that would be really nice of you.
One of our friends had her birthday August 27th, so we celebrated it a couple weeks ago at her cabin. We drove up there on Saturday, it takes about 2h to get there by car.
If someone has pictures of that, it would be nice to see some of them...
Mmm... what else has happened...?
Oh yeah, Made celebrated his 21st birthday yesterday! We didn't do anything special, we were at the usual Wednesday quiz and Made and N continued from there to a bar. I'm not sure if we're going to celebrate him properly or not, but in any case I'll have to come up with the awesomest b-day gift ever...Does anyone know if they sell Narwhals in Finnish pet stores? :D
That's pretty much what has happened in the last few weeks.
At this moment I lie on my bed listening to Eminem's new record, Recovery. It's so much better than the last one - the best one since the Eminem Show. So the title "Recovery" is really appropriate.
Oh and I've catched a cold and it sucks every single time... My throat tickles and I hate it! It goes away for a few minutes if I go out for a smoke, but then it comes back again. And nothing helps... :( Hopefully it'll end soon...
I'm waiting for the weekend, feels like I would've worked for weeks in a row... I worked last weekend on both days so I haven't had time to get enough sleep so I'm a little out of it the entire time...
...Shit, I forgot what I was about to write...
By the way, I'm not listening to Eminem anymore, I changed to Skunk Anansie's "My Ugly Boy". I really like it, even though the cd version can't be in any way compared to their live performance of the song.

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