07 elokuuta 2010


What is the best animal you know?
Well your wrong because everybody knows that the coolest most awesome animal in the world is the Narwhal.
Now i bet your all like " WTF Made i thought you liked the moose?!" and to that i answer "Yes but the moose is no mere animal it is the re-incarnation of fallen GOD's." that is why i choose to talk about the narwhal today.

So here are 3 reasons why the narwhal is the most awesome animal knows to man.

Number 1:
They live in some of the coldest water on earth.

Yes i know i know there are a lot of animals living in those water's, but think about it, that big "horn" on their head is actually one of their teeth. 
Have you ever bitten in to pop-sickle, okay now think about how it felt and then think about doing that for the rest of your life.

Number 2:
The way they fight for superiority.

Some animals just kick the shit out of each other, some animals piss all over the place.
Narwhals fucking sword-fight, they truly are the most gentlemanly animal ever to roam this earth.

Number 3:
They are awesome. I know it, you know it, even they them selves know it.

Here is a picture of a narwhal that has been beheaded but don't feel sorry for it, if you look at its face you will relies it doesn't give a shit. Even though
it's dead it is still aware that it is the most awesome animal.

Now you know why it should be the international symbol of awesomeness and should be treated like a god among whales.


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