Interesting stuff coming up...cover your eyes.
A man was about to commit suicide today by jumping from a building. He stood at the edge for half an hour or so while the police tried to talk to him.
But he pussied out and went back inside. No entertainment there...
I'm bored and I suck at writing a blog, because I hate to write.
Soon going home. But bored right now - haven't done anything today. Or wait no...I ate some cake and then I painted my co-workers nails.
I could just sleep the entire night but at the same time I'd want to do something tonight. It's Friday so I guess we should come up with something...
Fukn tricky..Decisions decision.
Hopefully more people will start writing stuff on this blog,not just Fia and me.
Btw. If you have funny pictures (not awkward funny...), post them here.
Nappy headed ho;
"A colored female. Characteristics include a mammoth and high set ass, a propensity for shuffling along sidewalks three abreast making passing an impossiblity with the enormous asses, a low IQ and a propensity for swearing, being loud, emotional, dramatic and volatile. Also known for impassioned claims that aptitude tests (pronounced "aptitute tests") are "racist assed mutha fuckas"."
Thx M.